absolutebusy - web based CRM, contact management and project tracking

· web based contact manager, web based CRM software
· web based contact management software
· web-based project tracking system

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2025-Jan   absoluteBUSY new release AB-8.3 (FREE SOFTWARE)
    New absoluteBUSY release AB-8.3 is available.
This release is compatible with PHP 7.4/8.3/8.4

2021-Jan   absoluteBUSY new release AB-7-10 is a FREE SOFTWARE
    New absoluteBUSY release AB-7-10 is available. This release is compatible with PHP 7.4x

!! Announcement !!
after almost 20 years of absoluteBUSY as a commercial product, we have decided to make the new absoluteBUSY release AB-7-10 a FREE SOFTWARE. If you want to use absoluteBUSY for your business you can get free licences, in return we kindly ask for a donation to a NGO or charity organization of your choice.
Please read the "Info + Licences" section (link on top) for information on how to obtain a free absoluteBUSY package.
2019-dec   absoluteBUSY new release
    New absoluteBUSY release AB-7-01 is available. This release is compatible with PHP 7.2
Upgrade costs for existing customers are 80 EUR per User. If you would like to upgrade your existing absoluteBUSY installation please send email to info@infoparc.com
2012 - today   absoluteBUSY, selected customers and projects
    Neo7ven (Germany) uses absoluteBUSY.
Neo7ven produces solutions for media production and multi channel publishing.

AWIDA Software uses absoluteBUSY CRM.
Awida is a software company located in germany

HIRSCHEN GROUP (germany) decices for absoluteBUSY contact and project tracking. Hirschen group is a creative agency with its headquarters in hamburg. With campaigns for banks and supermarkets, ministries and beer brands. For magazines, public transport, chocolate bars and insurance companies; political parties, trade fairs and industry associations.
2011   absoluteBUSY Customers and projects
    Master.cc (Austria) uses absoluteBUSY CRM to manage all it's customers. The master.cc platform is a web portal, providing information on postgraduate education, master programs and MBA studies from business schools and public institutes.

M&C Saatchi Berlin (Germany), part of the M&C Saatchi group of companies, uses the absoluteBUSY contact management software. M&C Saatchi is a leading design, communications and advertising agency.
Cyrasol Capital
(Germany) uses absoluteBUSY CRM.
Cyrasol is a specialist in trading with solar power plants.

NWD Austria (Austria) decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. NWD is a leading supplier of dental products to dentists and dental laboratories.

Secantor (UK) decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. Secantor can provide your company with a highly experienced Finance Director, quickly and cost effectively, to meet your precise needs.

(Germany) uses absoluteBUSY. Atelier Goral delivers design services for print and non-print, communication consulting services, online and offline media products.

Dicas decides for absoluteBUSY CRM and project tracking. dicas is an innovative MPEG-focused video coding specialist and a leading developer of ISO MPEG-4 real-time video coding products and solutions based in Berlin, Germany.

RUWAG uses the absoluteBUSY web based contact management. RUWAG is a supplier and trading company for laboratory diagnostics and IVD devices, based in Bettlach, Switzerland.

W+O Niettechnik implements the absoluteBUSY CRM software. W+O delivers coldformed solutions, using steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminum and brass. The company is based in Olpe, Germany.


UK2.net decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. UK2 is a leading UK based web hosting provider with subsidiaries in UK and USA. UK2 will offer absoluteBUSY CRM as a hosted solution to their hosting customers.

New IP-management module for ASSA ABLOY (Germany):
A new module for the management of IP (intellectual property) is going to be implemented for the ASSA ABLOY "absoluteBUSY" project portfolio management database. The IP management module will simplify the management of patents, utiility patents, trademarks and designs, as well as costs and revenues from this IP assets. All data will be kept in a single, centralized web database, being linked to existing projects.

GLB-Enzymes ( Great Lakes Bio Systems) decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. GLB-Enzymes provides long-lasting, cost-saving, eco-friendly solutions to today’s water quality problems by leveraging the natural microbiological action of enzymes, bacteria, trace minerals, and aeration. GLB-Enzymes is located in Sturtevant/WI/USA.

Raiffeisen-Baucenter (DE) implements absoluteBUSY web CRM. Raiffeisen-Baucenter is a supplier of building- and construction material and operates a total of approx 40 stores in germany and france.

absoluteBUSY donates a 10 user web-CRM system to OpenBordersProject.org. Open Borders Project offers comprehensive educational and consultative programs to empower and educate disadvantaged members of the Latino immigrant and migrant communities of North Philadelphia (USA).

ACCESSMAN (NZ) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. ACCESSMAN is a provider of "access equipment" (lifts, scissor lifts, knocklebooms etc.) to the construction- and other industries. Accessman is based in New Zealand and operates outlets throughout australia.

Genève Servette Hockey Club (CH)
implements absoluteBUSY contact management. GSHC is based in the city of Genève/Switzerland.
  Assa Abloy decides to roll-out their customized "absoluteBUSY" project portfolio management system for all european subsidiaries.

MTES (USA) uses asoluteBUSY. MTES is a six-sigma consulting company based in Austin/TX (USA).

CorpoDiagnostica (Venezuela) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.

BIOGENES (Germany) decides for absoluteBUSY contact management. BIOGENES is a biotech company, based in Berlin/Germany.

(Greece) uses absoluteBUSY contact manager. Franouba is a supplier of workwear, based in Greece.

FreedomEquipment.com (USA) uses absoluteBUSY. Freedom Equipment is a supplier for used, reconditioned, and rebuilt equipment, specialized in packaging, processing, and plant machinery commonly used to produce products for the food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and feed mill industries.

MBA.de uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. MBA.de is a web portal provided by Education Service Agency.
  Campo-Arena.de uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. The CAMPO Aktiv-Arena, a spacious sport- and activity park with Caribbean flair, covers more than 12.000 sqm outdoor- and 17.000 sqm indoor space. Campo-Arena is located in Hannover / Germany.
  Project: Ouote- and project tracking database / Phase 2
AIR LIQUIDE is a world leader in industrial and medical gases and related services. The existing absoluteBUSY quote and project database, successfully in operation since 2005, will be enhanced with new modules and functions.
  Project: absoluteBUSY Database for HLB Lighting / Phase 3

HLB logoFor Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design (www.hlblighting.com) we have built an image archive, fully integrated into their absoluteBUSY project database in 2004. The system runs successfully in production use since 2004 and has now been enhanced with additional functionality, based on users feedback from daily operations.
  TS AVISEN, from norway, a freely available weekly newspaper, uses absoluteBUSY web CRM application.
  Assa Abloy Asia(Shanghai) - part of the ASSA ABLOY group of companies - uses absoluteBUSY contact management solution as a sourcing database for tracking suppliers in the asian region.
  New Project: Contact managment and task tracking database for Crambeth Allen Publishing
Crambeth Allen Publishing (UK) is a publisher of several magazines for the refining, gas & petrochemicals processing industry. For Crambeth Allen we have developed a customized absoluteBUSY contact management and activity tracking database. The new system is operated on a webhost in UK and can be accessed by sales and editorial staff over the internet from any location.

RTI-Automation (Germany) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. RTI is a solutions provider in the field of automation technology.
  United Nations Capital Devolopment Fund (UNCDF) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.
The absoluteBUSY application is installed in the UNCDF intranet and is being used as a client resource management system (CRMS) by the UNCDF users. UNCDF contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Least Developed Countries through a variety of innovative approaches in both local development and microfinance.
  Innate Pharma (France) decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. Innate Pharma is a research company in the field of anti-cancer immunotherapeutics, located in Marseille/France.

University of North Carolina
(USA) at Greensboro(UNCG) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.

Codexis Inc. (USA) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. Codexis develops innovative bio-based solutions for pharmaceutical chemical process development and manufacturing.

Synthetix (UK) decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. Synthetix automated self-service customer support software transforms the user experience on websites.
  !! New absoluteBUSY release 4-54 !!
* New "Sales module": Show pending / won / lost sales per Customer, Contact and Project.
Show pending sales and sales statistics per year. Download sales lists per year.
* New "Marker/Tagging feature": Possibility to categorize Customers, Contacts and Projects with an unlimited number of freely defineable "markers/tags".

IT-Newcastle (UK) decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM.

University of Virginia (USA) uses the absoluteBUSY contact management software.

StreamUnlimited (Austria) decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. StreamUnlimited provides engineering services for networked products/systems and storage in the Consumer Electronics, Automotive & Entertainment, Health Care and Building Control industries.
  Gronenberg, a printing and cross-media publishing company from Germany uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.

New Project: Project and Process Management Database for ASSA ABLOY Germany
A new contract was signed with our long term customer ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik GmbH (www.assaabloy.de) for implementing a web based project portfolio management and process tracking database with automated approval workflow via email notifications.
  New absoluteBUSY BETA release AB 4.51 is installed at several "friendly customer" sites for testing.
  Neonomy (UK) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. Neonomy provides a range of software products and services to companies implementing high performance and grid computing capabilities within their organisations.

(Italy) uses absoluteBUSY. Novaconsult is a human resources consulting company, based in Milano.

(Canada - BC Centre for Applied Remote Sensing, Modelling and Simulation ) at University of Victoria/Canada, uses absoluteBUSY contact management software.

Maxiplan Technology
(UK,Australia,HongKong) uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. Maxiplan is a supplier of business software for multidimensional reporting. Maxiplan runs offices in UK, Australia and HongKong.

Czech translation: absoluteBUSY translated to czech by klimaplus.cz
  Gepro.nl (Netherlands) a software supplier implents absoluteBUSY web CRM.
  CSLT.biz (Germany) a german consulting company uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.

Polymap.com (Brasil) implements absoluteBUSY customer tracking. Polymap is a supplier of a desktop mapping and geographical presentation software package. Thanks to Polymap's support absoluteBUSY is now available in portugese language.
    Dr.Wallner Engineering from germany decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. DRWE is a provider of training- , consulting- and programming-services for CAD and CAE tools, mainly for industry customers. Focus is on unigraphics and teamcenter environments.

Alterface from Belgium implements absoluteBUSY web CRM. Alterface develops interactive settings for education, entertainment, museums and leisure parks using virtual reality technology and human-machine interaction with multi sensory devices.

Project: Customer- and after sales support database for Bertrams-Heatec, Switzerland
Bertrams-Heatec (Switzerland) is a specialist in process heating systems, particularly for the chemical and petrochemical industry. For Bertrams-Heatec we have developed a customized absoluteBUSY lead tracking and after sales support database. A new "system tracking" module, storing all major characteristics and equipment information from all delivered heat-transfer plants, was added to the absoluteBUSY standard release. For efficient after sales support, the new module also offers problem tracking capabilities (via absoluteBUSY activities) and advanced search capabilities among all attributes of each plant (approx. 80 searchable equipment fields). The new absoluteBUSY system is operated on a WAMP platform within the Bertrams intranet and is used by sales people and support engineers.
    Sectra GmbH from Germany uses absoluteBUSY web CRM. Sectra Germany is a subsidiary of Sectra.se, one of the world's leading suppliers of radiology image management systems.

Project: Ouote- and project tracking database with automated approval workflow
AIR LIQUIDE is a world leader in industrial and medical gases and related services. For the german subsidiary of AIR LIQUIDE's "electronics" branche we have developed a web enabled project-tracking and quote-management database with automated approval workflow. The web based system enables sales forecasting, revenue reporting per customer, quote approval via an integrated email notification and workflow system, as well as full quote histories and versioning including document storage. The application is operated on a secure server (SSL) and can be accessed by AIR LIQUIDE staff from local offices spread all over germany.
    T.I.Q.S (Germany) uses absoluteBUSY for contact management and customer support. The company developes and operates the "Trading Information and Quote System" at Stuttgart stock exchange. T.I.Q.S. is a subsidiary of the Stuttgart stock exchange and Euwax AG, located in Stuttgart/Germany.
    SoftDent.at uses absoluteBUSY web CRM for its field sales operation. SoftDent is a provider of dental software solutions, based in austria.
    Project: Contact Management and Event Database for EUROMIC
EUROMIC (USA/EU) is an "Association of the Leading Destination Management Companies in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin". For EUROMIC we have developed a highly customized contact management database and event tracking solution, based on absoluteBUSY. The new ONLINE solution now combines data from several offline address-databases, that were previously maintained at separate locations and synchronized with error-prone replication tasks. The new absoluteBUSY ONLINE solution is part of a web support-portal for EUROMIC members. It offers all members quick and easy ONLINE access to a centralized database, containing ten-thousands of records of worldwide partners and suppliers, which are required for daily destination managment business. This project was performed in cooperation with Werbal from switzerland.

  Kleine Zalze, a south african vineyard and 4 star lodge uses absoluteBUSY web CRM.

Buckledown Publishing
(USA) decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. Buckle Down Publishing is a Haights Cross Communications company, focused on publishing state test preparation material for schools and students. Buckledown Publishing runs an absoluteBUSY system with 130.000 company records (all schools from whole USA), still with excellent performance. We know, absoluteBUSY is fast :-)

Project: Marketing Database for ASSA ABLOY Germany
For ASSA ABLOY Sicherheitstechnik GmbH (www.assaabloy.de) we implemented a web based marketing database. The system is a customized absoluteBUSY version with additional data import modules.
The absoluteBUSY marketing database for ASSA ABLOY stores contact information and leads generated from trade fairs and from several company web-sites contact-forms. Data import from business cards - collected mainly at trade fairs and exhibitions - are scanned with a business cardscanner (www.cardscan.com). Data files from the card scanner can be uploaded to absoluteBUSYand can then be imported with a kind of drag and drop ONLINE interface via a web browser. The data import utility also provides editing and duplicate checking capabilities prior to importing records into the database. With this solution the need for manual typing of address and contact info from business cards is eliminated by almost 100%, enabling quick follow up to leads after trade fairs.
A new web-interface (web-API) enables a direct data feed from contact forms on different product-websites directly into the absoluteBUSY database. This web-datafeed can trigger automatic follow-up activities.

SPONSORSHIP: absoluteBUSY donates a free 10 user system to the "Seed Initiative" (www.seedinit.org). The initiative focuses on delivering real solutions through project cooperation among small and large businesses, local and international NGOs, women's groups, labour organisations, public authorities, UN agencies, and others working in the field of sustainable development.

  Internet Crna Gora, from Podgorica/Montenegro decides for absoluteBUSY web CRM. Internet CG is the biggest ISP in this region and delivers dial-up access, wireless access and hosting services in the territory of Serbia and Montenegro.
    New release AB 4.4a is in testing stage and will be published soon. Will contain a new "last viewed" feature, to quickly show a list of last viewed Companies, Persons, Projects, Actions per user. No need to remember :-)

They like absoluteBUSY :-)
Aerobrand.net / USA, an aviation related branding and design company.

/ Finland, an acoustics research company.

Argene Biosoft
/ France/USA, development and production of diagnostic and research use reagents in the microbiology field.

Project: Image Database for HLB Lighting

HLB logoFor Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design (www.hlblighting.com) we have built an image archive, fully integrated into their absoluteBUSY project database. The new image database enables users from offices in NY, SF, LA to upload, categorize, retrieve and download images. Since the image archive is integrated into absoluteBUSY, images can easily be linked to customers and projects, providing a quick overview of available pictures for each project. As an additional feature images can be resized and transformed to other image formats before downloading.

    Koelnmesse.de uses absoluteBUSY contact management for marketing purposes at their Interkarneval branch (www.interkarneval.de). Koelnmesse is a trade fair company, located in Cologne/Germany.
    Applied Thermal Technologies starts implementation of a contact management and project tracking solution based on absoluteBUSY. Applied Thermal Technologies is a thermal engineering company based in Santa Clara/CA, USA.
Project: Sales Support Database for EffEff Germany

EffEff (www.effeff.com) decided to implement a customized project tracking and sales support system, based on absoluteBUSY. EffEff is a supplier of mechanical access control systems, based in Germany and is part of the worldwide ASSA-ABLOY group of companies.
Project description:
The EffEFf absoluteBUSY system is integrated into a web based EffEff support portal (also a PHP based, open source solution), which delivers product information, sales support and project tracking info for internal staff and also for external distributors and sales partners. The EffEff absoluteBUSY solution contains an additional access control module, based on sales territories, a new module for managing pricing-agreements with resellers and an additional data-import and -export interface for integration with other effeff systems. The system runs on a dedicated Linux server and is used by approximately 100 users (internal staff and external sales partners) over the internet from different locations in germany.
    espublico.com from spain implements absoluteBUSY contact manager. Espublico is a public portal, offering information on public administration, e-administration and other topics related to public services.

absoluteBUSY birthday: 3 years old now, can walk alone :-)

absoluteBUSY is used by more than 1000 business users in 15 countries all around the globe. Our clients range from small businesses right up to global companies with well known brand names and worldwide subsidiaries.
From our customers feedback during the past 3 years we learned what people like most about absoluteBUSY:
- the simple and clear userinterface (no training required)
- the speed of the application, also with large datasets
- the reasonable price
- easy installation and setup (typically less than 1 hour)
- portable across all operating systems, based on open source LAMP stack
We appreciate all the positive feedback, suggestions and ideas that we are constantly receiving from our clients and visitors. Whenever possible, we try to integrate our customers ideas and suggestions into our development plan. Thanx to all the people who have contributed so far, and keep on sending us your ideas, so absoluteBUSY keeps growing :-)
    Luzchem Research Inc. from Canada uses absoluteBUSY. Luzchem designs, develops, manufactures and markets a specialized line of laboratory instruments designed to study the interaction of light with a wide range of materials
    Project: Project Tracking Database for HLB Lighting

Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design (www.hlblighting.com) runs a customized version of absoluteBUSY. HLB is an architectural lighting design company, based in USA, with studios in NY, SF and LA.
Project description:
absoluteBUSY for HLB includes an additional lead-tracking module, enhanced project- and billing administration, as well as automatic email notification for billable contracts. The complete project was implemented in 4 month elapse time, including data migration of several thousand items from HLB's previous system. Approximately 50 users from all HLB locations are using the new absoluteBUSY system over the internet.
    Microline Networks implements absoluteBUSY web crm. Microline Networks s.r.l. is a company working in the field of information technology with its head office in Verona.
    EPIDAUROS implements absoluteBUSY web crm. EPIDAUROS is a biotechnology and pharmacogenetic research company, located in Munich(Bernried) / Germany.
    Palen Kimball Company from USA uses absoluteBUSY CRM for their calibration services division. This division of Palen Kimball delivers services and "certifications of calibration" to industries where these are required, e.g. biomedial industry. Palen Kimball is located in St. Paul, Minnesota.
    Project: Project and forecast database for MIDRAY

Midray (www.midray.com) decides for a customized absoluteBUSY system. MIDRAY develops "mobile business solutions" for mobile and wireless network operators and is located in Cologne/Germany. MIDRAY is part of the "debitel group" which offers telecommunication services in several european countries.
Project description:
For MIDRAY the absoluteBUSY project administration was enhanced with a basic workflow and access control module, matching to the company's internal project development process. A new forecasting module, which allows monthly forecasting and reporting of expected project revenues was also added as part of the customization. The project was implemented in 3 month elapse time. The system is used by approx. 50 users as an intranet application within the corporate network.
    Adael.net uses absoluteBUSY. Adaël Wireless offers ready-to-go Wi-Fi HOTSPOT solutions to customers in Paris/France.

Condor-Werke implements absoluteBUSY. Condor is a manufacturer of switchgear and control gear components(electronical relays, electronic pressure transducers and level control). Condor has worldwide subsidiaries. The headquarter is located in Enningerloh/Germany.
    RES S.p.A. decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. RES develops system administration and batch automation software for OS/390 and Z/OS environments (mainframe computers) and is located in milano/italy.

Eff Eff from germany decides for absoluteBUSY project tracking. Eff Eff is a supplier of mechanical security technology and is part of the worldwide ASSA ABLOY group.

Malloru from italy uses absoluteBUSY. Malloru is a financial services consulting firm in sardinia.
    CorrPakBPS decides for absoluteBUSY contact management. CorrPak is a worldwide supplier of bulk packaging products, based in Monroe/USA, with manufacturing sites located around the world.

Purdie Rogers decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. Purdie Rogers is a full-service advertising and public relations agency, based in Seattle/USA.

    Project: Sales support database for ip.access

ip.acess from UK (www.ipaccess.com) decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. ip.access designs and manufactures GSM and GPRS infrastructure solutions, that can be used to enhance public mobile networks and to support wireless office services. Customizing: enhanced filtering capabilities.
Firmix from Vienna/Austria uses absoluteBUSY. Firmix is a solutions provider for embedded linux systems.

PSW from germany decides for absoluteBUSY CRM and project tracking. PSW offers development and construction services to the automobile and aerospace industry.

    Springtrading uses absoluteBUSY. Springtrading is a supplier of chemical and food raw material in switzerland.

Carnex decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. Carnex is a german event and trade show agency.
    Axio Systems from belgium decides for absoluteBUSY CRM. Axio Systems offers high-end servers mainly to the press and pre-press industries.

WNT s.p.a. (Aldap) from italy, a subsidiary of the worldwide PLANSEE group, uses absoluteBUSY. The PLANSEE Group is a world leader in the manufacturing of powder metallurgical products and components.

Project: Media Contacts DB for Boehringer-Ingelheim Germany

The department "external communications/media contact" decides to install a 2nd customized absoluteBUSY system to for the public relations department.
Project description: The customized absoluteBUSY system was built to quickly generate lists of press contacts and to track articles and press releases sent to external agencies. An additional feature was implemented to quickly transfer results from the absoluteBUSY database into the windows clipboard for use in third party email applications. The system runs on a dedicated server and is used in intranet.
    SPONSORSHIP: absoluteBUSY donates a free 20 user web-contact manager to ActiveChildAid.org The Active Child Aid Foundation purpose is to give children who are going through crises in their lives, immediate and sufficient, long-term aid.
    Synapsis from italy uses absoluteBUSY. Synapsis provides consulting and software services to healthcare and medical science organisations.

Lucebit from germany uses absoluteBUSY CRM. Lucebit is a supplier of "airfield lighting systems".

Mercatino from italy decides for absoluteBUSY. Mercatino is a franchising company.
    new customers:
SuperArray Bioscience Corporation from USA. SuperArray is dedicated to providing life scientists and biomedical researchers with cutting edge gene array technology.

AV Academia AG from switzerland. AV Academia is an audio visuals consulting company.

!! New release rel-4 !! This release contains the long awaited document upload feature, requested by many customers.
    Started development of absoluteBUSY release 4. Release4 will contain several additional features, requested by existing customers.

absoluteBUSY welcomes Tomatwoo from Italy as new customer. Tomatwoo provides software tools for the management of financial risks.
    absoluteBUSY welcomes Agenzia from UK as a new customer. Agenzia is a new media and IT consulting company.
    absoluteBUSY welcomes netpoint media from germany as new customer. Netpoint media provides online advertising services in germany.
2002-sep   absoluteBUSY multiuser web based CRM systems are now installed in these countries: Austria, Australia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, United Kingdom and USA.
2002-jul   First absoluteBUSY system installed in australia, pretty far from absoluteBUSY's homebase in austria :-)
2002-jun   absoluteBUSY welcomes these new customers:
Variolink AG, a business consulting company from switzerland.
Moch, a new media design and e-learning company from denmark.
Sucampo Pharma AG from switzerland.
2002-may   absoluteBUSY project: XXXXX (customer name not to be published)
absoluteBUSY welcomes the european branch of one of the worlds largest web directories as new customer. The system is used by 150 sales agents spread over different european countries.
2002-apr   absoluteBUSY welcomes Tela Ltd., a new media design company from UK as new customer.
2002-mar   First absoluteBUSY multi user systems are installed in USA
2002-feb   New absoluteBUSY release (rel3c) is published.
2002-jan   absoluteBUSY is translated to italian language by Alexa Informatica (Nicola Baldo). Alexa Informatica starts distributing absoluteBUSY to the italian market.
2001-dec   Project: Contact managment DB for Boehringer-Ingelheim

(www.boehringer-ingelheim.com) decides to implement a customized absoluteBUSY system. Boehringer-Ingelheim is among the top 20 pharmaceutical corporations worldwide.
Project description: absoluteBUSY is used as a contact-tracking database for the worldwide operating department "corporate strategic development". Users from worldwide subsidiaries can now track and review results of meetings and negotiations with (prospected) cooperation partners and research companies by using a web enabled database. The customization also involved improving the categorization options in absoluteBUSY to cover pharmaceutical indications. The new system, based on the absoluteBUSY standard release, was built in 3 month elapse time. The system runs on a dedicated server within the Boehringer-Ingelheim corporate network.

New absoluteBUSY release (rel3b) is published with additional reporting features.

absoluteBUSY welcomes Morphochem from munich/germany as a new customer. Morphochem is a drug discovery company, focused on finding new therapeutic agents to treat diseases where there is an unmet clinical need.
2001-sep   absoluteBUSY is happy to welcome the first "internet" customer from germany.

First absoluteBUSY production system installed for austrian customer with approx . 10.000 contacts in the database. absoluteBUSY shows excellent performance with this database size.
2001-jul   absoluteBUSY is born :-) First production release(rel2) is published on the internet.
2000-dec   absoluteBUSY concept and design phase has started. Our vision is to develop a cheap, commercial web-based contact management- and project tracking solution with basic CRM capabilities. The application should be very fast, very easy to deploy and easy to install. System will be based on open source technology (LAMP/WAMP stack: PHP, Apache and MySQL). Distribution and selling will be done mainly via direct-sales over the internet, focusing on Google and Yahoo search engine as sales- and marketing channels.
absoluteBUSY is a product of InfoParc - Christian Metzler